
Impressed to Tears

It has been a very long time since I’ve cried while watching a commercial. I think the last time I did cry, it was a Hallmark commercial. The message of this particular one, however, is so moving. May you enjoy and may you share.

Sending out love to you and yours.

Believe in Your Dreams

Emerging Into the World

Join me and some of Utah’s best Psychics, Holistic Practitioners, and Artisans, as we gather together to shine our inner light and share our gifts through inspiration, guidance, love, and wellness. Together with the beautiful shopping experience of Dancing Cranes and the wonderful beverages and cuisine of Café Solstice, you are sure to feel the Oneness, Love, Guidance and Inspiration we offer. Attendance is free. Click on the link for details. I would love to be blessed with your presence there.

(If you are not my friend on FB, search: SoulWorks~Psychic & Holistic Fair)

psychic fair

Giving & Receiving

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In Giving and Receiving, the magic happens when you choose to give simply for the joy of giving, rather than as if you are a banker making sure your deposits match your withdrawals. Giving and Receiving are Divine principals that, when practiced with loving abandon, multiply joy exponentially.

Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.

God's Light……………………………………………………………….

I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments. Feel free to jot down what you’re thinking in the comment box below.

Take Flight

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What the world needs most now are people who are lit up, living passionately, and flying freely. If you have the opportunity to embrace that which brings you joy, do it. Love and Joy are always a risk worth taking.

Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.



I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments. Feel free to jot down what you’re thinking in the comment box below.

Be the Light

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How you think and feel about yourself speaks louder than you may realize and creates an energy signature that enters the room with you – sometimes, even, waves of it enter before you do. This energy signature permeates every interaction, every relationship, every situation. If you’re living unconsciously – unaware of and uncommitted to how you want to live – your energy is overrun with the fear and negativity that is harbored in the subconscious. When you CHOOSE to live from Love, Peace, Joy, or another Divine state of being, you have within you the ability to transform yourself and the world around you.

Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.



I always welcome your thoughts, questions, and comments. Feel free to jot down what you’re thinking in the comment box below.


Feel free to share.

Every thought, word, action, and deed that rolls forth from you creates a ripple that moves forward through the world. These ripples create waves and, at this time, it is imperative that you focus on the waves you are creating. Are they filled with Love and Joy? Or are you adding to the angst in the world? Consciously choosing to live from Love casts it into the world in waves of deliciousness, to touch the hearts of those far and wide and to bring a healing transformation to humanity.

Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.

Waves of Love

Not Yet Titled

I’ve had requests for me to post some of my art while it is in progress. Up until this point, I’ve been reluctant to do so because, if it is in progress, it is not yet perfected, nor do I have any idea where it will end. I do not know if a piece, when I start it, will complete in 2 hours or 2 decades.

When I began the first piece of my Conscious Art collection, I had no idea it would become “art” and I had no idea that it would evolve into a “collection.” I did it in my Anatomy and Physiology class at Myotherapy College of Utah, back in 2004, as a way to keep my mind alert. At first, I hid it from my professor because I had been so often scolded for “doodling” and “not paying attention” in high school when I had tried this technique. However, she began observing the process of my art coming forth and, one day, about three days into that specific piece, she said, “Angie, that is an incredible study tool you are incorporating. Not only is it beautiful, but that art is embedding into your brain everything I am saying. Keep it up!”

I was stunned. No one had ever encouraged me to do my art. No one had ever even given me a compliment about my art and sometimes, even, I had been teased and told I couldn’t draw anything realistic so I should give up trying. Therefore, my art had been relegated to the nether regions of my self and rarely came out to play. And, when it did, it was in secret and for very minimal periods of time.

Yet, here she was, encouraging me to keep doing it and she had called it beautiful!

I felt shy. There was a part of me that wanted to hide it, tear it up, destroy it, hide it, and never return to it. However, another part of me that had been silent for far too long suddenly screamed inside for me to hold onto that pen and keep going.

At the time, my tools were simple. Basic 20 lb. bright white copy paper and a black Pilot G2-07 gel pen. While I have tried other mediums and other papers, I return to my original, simple tools because they are my favorite. I became fascinated with how the ink would roll out of the pen onto the paper, they way it would pool if I held it just right, the way it would flow if I added water – an accident in the beginning, but a technique I immediately fell in love with once I got beyond the heartbreak of the original disaster.

When I create art for my Conscious Art line, I create from sheer impulse to flow the ink onto the paper. There is rarely a title, subject, or “point” in mind when I begin one of these pieces. Mostly, they start because I simply want to create something. Often, my art pours out of me while I am listening and learning. Therefore, the transformation that is taking place in my brain gets embedded in the ink, the swirls, the lines, the textures, the images, the designs that flow out onto the paper. I choose to do this art while I am in the space of Learning, Love, Transformation, and Expansion and, because of that choice, this art is embedded with positivity and transformative energy.

It has been awhile since I’ve done a piece of Conscious Art, but this morning I felt the tingle in my fingers that told me they wanted to hold that pen and get the art pouring forth through the subtle movements of my hands, the firing of my neurons, and the opening of my heart. While it is not complete, here is a glimpse of what is happening here in my world…

Conscious Art

Dedication to Love

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It is my humble belief that Love is the greatest, strongest, deepest healing power on the face of this earth. The absence of Love is not hate, nor is it fear. The absence of Love is sheer emptiness and despondency. Choosing to step into Love and being fully committed to Love creates an energy wherein happiness, success, and peace dwell.

Committed to reminding you of the Love Energy within you, focusing on that energy, and then magnifying it.

love dedication

Designing Books

Because I am an author myself, I understand how powerful it is to publish your own book. I know what it feels like to have that baby in your hand, after the time, energy, sweat, tears, and laughter have gone into the creation of it. I know what that feels like. I know what it means. And, as a designer, I REALLY love being part of the editing and layout process of another person’s book. I am honored when another author trusts me with their baby to help them bring it into the world. When they enroll me in their dream of seeing this book in print, being able to touch it. When they are willing to release the nurturing and care of their infant into my hand so I can bring it to life for them. So very cool! Ya wanna play too?

If you are interested in hiring me to edit your copy, design your cover, and layout your book, I would love to hear from you! angiekmillgate – at –